
Should You Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Road Accident?

Law Blog

There is no question about the importance of the legal services provided by a personal injury lawyer. In a large number of cases, the question is on the necessity of these services, considering that it is not a cheap undertaking. However, despite the financial implications of hiring one such expert, there are several situations in which one cannot avoid doing so. The article below discusses a few of these situations especially for the benefit of accident victims.

12 March 2015

4 Important Tips to Remember When Being Harassed or Stalked

Law Blog

Being harassed or stalked is often more terrifying than people realize, as it often escalates over time. Stalking and harassing may soon become vandalism to property, slander and defamation to a person's family or coworkers, and then even physical violence.  A person may be harassed by an ex-spouse or former boyfriend or girlfriend, by someone with whom they work, or even by a neighbor with whom they've had a disagreement.

25 February 2015

Will you have to pay spousal maintenance?

Law Blog

Spousal maintenance, or alimony, is not granted automatically for a relationship breakdown. The court considers whether the relationship has limited the ability of one partner to earn an income, the age and health of both parties, the financial resources of both parties and any expectations of financial support within the marriage in line with the provisions in the Family Law Act 1975. This article will answer some questions you may have about spousal support.

24 February 2015

Four Things To Know About Hiring An Immigration Lawyer In Australia

Law Blog

If you are planning to move to Australia or if you have a loved one moving from out of country, you may want to consider hiring an immigration lawyer. If you do hire one, there are a few things you should know that will prepare you for your first consultation and help ease the process along. Here are four main key points to keep in mind. Always Have A Consultation

23 February 2015

Why Even First-Time Offenders Need the Help of Solicitors


If you're facing a judge for the first time, you might assume that you can easily argue your own case or that you'll automatically have charges against you dropped since it's your first offense. This thinking is very shortsighted and can mean facing hefty fines, a long criminal record, and even jail time. No matter the offense for which you've been charged, and even if it's your first charge, it's always recommended that you at least consult with solicitors for your case.

23 February 2015

Predictors of divorce

Law Blog

If you've ever been surprised by a friend or relatives divorce, you know that it can make you start contemplating your own marriage more closely. Here are some of the common predictors of divorce. A lack of kindness to each other Researchers have found that when the ratio of positive to negative interactions in a marriage falls below 5:1 it's a sign of discord and can be used to predict with a 93% accuracy which couples will divorce in the next 5 years.

20 February 2015

Common Types of Free Legal Services

Law Blog

When you are accused of a crime, or are embroiled in some kind of legal dispute, but you don't have the money to pay a lawyer, you can avail yourself of some free legal services. If you don't know what these free services entail, here's a quick breakdown of what's out there to help you resolve legal issues. Public Defender - A public defender is a court-appointed lawyer who is assigned to your case after you inform the court that you can't afford to pay for your legal defence.

19 February 2015